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Purifying Shampoo

Purifying Shampoo

Regular price
6.290 kr
Regular price
6.290 kr
Virðisauki innifalin. Sendingarkostnaður reiknast við greiðslu.

This highly feeding formula made with clay of the Dead Sea, purifies the coat and the skin in a tender way. Purifying Shampoo can be used for all types of coats. It eliminates the deposit of strange substances, reduces static electricity and makes the coats soft and shiny.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: wet the coat and wash with a specific Shampoo of Iv San Bernard for the type of coat. Apply the right dose of Purifying Shampoo onto the coat and massage slightly. Rinse thoroughly. To obtain the best results in volume and shine, we advise to use Purifying Mask afterwards.

1000 ml.